Share Your Story!

Since 1970, ANCOR has represented community-based service providers for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), championing the importance of I/DD services at the national level. Sharing your story can help raise awareness and influence policies that shape these vital services.
Whether sharing your experience as a person accepting I/DD services, a provider of I/DD services, a direct support professional, or a family member of someone accepting I/DD services, your perspective matters. Stories are an invaluable tool to connect lawmakers with the impact of how policies affect their constituents and have the power to make real, lasting change.
Use the form below to share your story with ANCOR. A member of our team may reach out to explore how your experience can support our efforts to drive meaningful change.

Tell Us About Your Experience

Your Name(Required)
Where Do You Reside?(Required)
These fields help us match you to your elected officials in the event that there is an opportunity to share your story.
Which of the following best describes you? Please select all that apply.(Required)
Tell us a little bit about the impact intellectual and developmental disability (I/DD) services have had in your life, or the life of a friend or family member. If you feel stuck, consider these questions. How did your life improved once you had access to services? What would be different about your life if your services went away? How did a direct support professional make a positive difference in your life?
In addition to what you described above, you may also upload a video of you telling your story. If your video is larger than 50 MB, please email [email protected] with a link to download your video.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Which of the following statements is true regarding your consent for your story to be shared by ANCOR in its advocacy on behalf of I/DD services?(Required)
By completing this form, you certify that the story presented is accurate to the best of your knowledge.