ANCOR & UCP Launch Case for Inclusion 2025

New report features policy recommendations for state and federal governments.
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Medicaid Resource Center

Close-up of the U.S. Capitol building and an American flag

ANCOR advocates to strengthen access to services, including protecting Medicaid from potential cuts that would harm community-based services for people with I/DD. We invite all ANCOR members to join us in providing education and resources, which will support members of Congress and the Trump administration to understand the value of I/DD services and how Medicaid funding cuts impact access to these crucial and life-saving services.

In addition to the Advocacy Toolkit and the ANCOR Amplifier, please use these targeted resources below to aid in your education and advocacy.

Quick Links

#SaveMedicaid Social Media Toolkit

Sample social media posts to support you in advocating for Medicaid community-based services.

Get Started
A crowd of supporters at a Medicaid rally holding signs and listening to a Senator speaking through a megaphone.
ANCOR Amplifier

Your one-stop shop for meaningful, manageable actions to strengthen Medicaid services.

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Intro to I/DD Services

All the basics about home- and community-based services in just two minutes.

Watch the Video

Fact Sheets

FAQs: Medicaid Cuts & Community Services

Get the answers to some of the questions we hear most frequently regarding how cuts to Medicaid will harm disability services.

Browse FAQs
Cuts to Medicaid Harm Disability Services

Federal Medicaid cuts shift costs to states and harm disability services, forcing people with I/DD to struggle to meet their most basic needs.

Get the Facts
Community-Based Services for People with I/DD

These critical services help people with I/DD to live full and independent lives in their communities, but access is at risk.

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America's Direct Support Workforce Crisis

A longstanding shortage of direct support professionals has led to closures of critically needed services and a denial of access to community.

Dive Deeper

Expert Analysis

State Medicaid Fact Sheets

[From KFF] State Medicaid fact sheets provide a snapshot with key data for Medicaid in every state related to current coverage, access and financing, as well as a politics section for each state.

Access Fact Sheets
CBO Scoring of the House Budget Resolution

[From Congressional Budget Office] The nonpartisan CBO illustrates how the House budget resolution would require significant cuts to the federal Medicaid program.

See the CBO Scoring
U.S. Medicaid Enrollment by Congressional District

[From Association for Community Affiliated Plans] Understanding the number of Medicaid beneficiaries by congressional district across the United States.

Explore the Data
Waste, Fraud & Abuse in Medicaid

[From Georgetown University] Analysis by the McCourt School of Public Policy illustrates why claims of widespread waste, fraud and abuse in Medicaid are simply false.

Read the Analysis
Medicaid's Impact on Health Care Access, Outcomes & State Economies

[From Robert Wood Johnson Foundation] Medicaid plays an enormous role in state economies as the single largest source of federal funding to almost every state, comprising two-thirds of all federal grants to states on average.

Get the Report
Shortsighted Medicaid Cuts Will Endanger the Lives and Jobs of Millions

[From PHI] Medicaid is the largest payer for all long-term services and supports (LTSS) in the U.S., accounting for more than 44% of all LTSS expenditures.

See the Call to Action
National & State Progress Towards Shifting Away From Institutional Care

[From Mathematica] National LTSS expenditures totaled $199.4 billion in FY 2020, with HCBS accounting for $124.6 billion and institutional services accounting for $74.8 billion.

See the Research
Direct Care Workers in the United States: Key Facts 2024

[From PHI] Community providers, funded through Medicaid, are a top driver of job creation with the direct care workforce being the fastest-growing profession over the next decade.

Find the Facts
The Role of Disability Service Providers in the New York State Economy

[From Rockefeller Institute] A recent study of disability services in New York found that the economic impact of those services alone was double the investment made by the state into those services.

View the Study
1915(c) HCBS Waiver Payments and Financing Trends

[From CMS] Investments in HCBS have produced long-term savings by enabling more individuals to be supported in less-costly settings by a margin of about 3:1.

Download the Presentation