
Medicaid is a unique partnership between states and the federal government. It’s also complicated. We understand the ins and outs of the federal Medicaid program so you can focus on what matters.

About This Priority

Established in 1965, Medicaid is a unique partnership between state governments and the federal government. While many people think about Medicaid as a health insurance for low-income people, the program actually started out as a way of connecting people with disabilities with long-term services and supports. Generally speaking, the federal government matches states’ investments in Medicaid, with more significant state investments being met with higher matching rates. Then, state governments are left to administer their Medicaid programs in accordance with the needs of their constituents.

Given that the vast majority of ANCOR members’ funding comes from Medicaid, ANCOR is committed to improving the Medicaid program to work better for providers and the people who leverage the program’s resources.

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ANCOR Live: The Urgency and Importance of Using National Data for Decision-Making

ANCOR Live is an ongoing series of virtual sessions designed to amp up ANCOR members’ ability to find, analyze and leverage data in their business operations, advocacy efforts and more.