Linda Plourde

About Linda
Linda Plourde began her career in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities in 1982 in the state of Maine as QMRP/Program Director for Powell Memorial Center, and later as Administrator for OHI. Following a move to CA, Linda worked for Alta CA and North Bay Regional Centers for a combined 15 years. Linda’s roles at the regional centers included case management, early intervention, and supervision of case management and quality assurance units.
In 2006, Linda became Executive Director of Bayberry, Inc., a non-profit agency providing supported living services and residential living options for people with I/DD. Bayberry, Inc. contracts with North Bay (Napa), Redwood Coast (Lakeport) and Alta CA Regional Centers. Bayberry has also partnered with Golden State Trust, supporting people with disabilities outside of the CA Regional Center System.
Linda currently serves/has served in the following capacities:
- Currently a member of the ANCOR (American Network of Community Options and Resources) Board of Directors and serves on its Finance, Governmental Relations, and Grassroots Committees, as well as on the Global Council.
- Currently a member of The Arc of CA (and National Membership) and is involved with their Government Relations work.
- Actively involved with the Lanterman Coalition representing The Arc of CA and other CA entities.
- Selected to serve 3 years on the CA Developmental Services Task Force, System and Fiscal Reform and Accountability.
- Chair of the North Bay Regional Center Legislative Advisory Committee to the Board of Directors.
- Currently a member of the CA Supported Living Network.
- 7 years as the North Bay’s vendor representative to the North Bay Regional Center Board of Directors (term ended October 2019).
- 6 years on the Board of Directors for the California Supported Living Network (until April 2019).
Linda has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology and a Master of Science Degree in Counseling.