The State of America's Direct Support Workforce Crisis 2024

New report sheds light on persistent problems facing community providers due to ongoing recruitment and retention challenges
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GoodLife University

Reach out to GoodLife University
Lauren Vohland
Senior VP of Kansas Operations
11627 West 79th Street
Lenexa, KS 66285
(913) 905-9342 [email protected] Visit Website

About GoodLife University

GoodLife U was developed from the collaboration between GoodLife Innovations and the University of Kansas Department of Applied Behavioral Sciences. As a care provider, GoodLife is no stranger to the pain of staffing shortages, competition from other industries, wonky schedules, vacancies, and poor work-life balance. Over the years, we leveraged our partnership with KU to develop innovative workforce solutions, staffing approaches, pay strategies, and next-generation service models to address each of the problems we were facing.

We tested these new solutions on ourselves. And they worked. They worked so well, in fact, that we knew it was vital to share them with other agencies, like yours. We get it: Change is hard and if you feel like you’re drowning, it might be hard to imagine taking even one step in a different direction.

The good news is, we’ve done this a lot. We’ll be able to ease your pain through the process and provide you with messaging tools and transition support so that every member of your team knows what to expect. Our process is proven to produce a meaningful return on your investment and along the way we stand ready to assist your team step-by-step through EVERY change. Together, we can stabilize your workforce.

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