ANCOR & UCP Launch Case for Inclusion 2025

New report features policy recommendations for state and federal governments.
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Overtime Rule Media Campaign

The tools on this page are designed to support your efforts to write and place a letter to the editor or an op-ed in your local news outlet. We appreciate you taking action, as it will help us raise awareness about the impact of the U.S. Department of Labor’s proposed Overtime Rule on community providers.

Op-eds and letters to the editor are a great way to call attention to an issue, especially among audiences that have the potential to care about an issue but are either unaware of the issue or unsure of how to take action.

If you’re unfamiliar, op-eds are essays authored by members of a news outlet’s readership expressing an opinion about an important matter. These essays tend to be 500-750 words in length and are often authored by someone who has expertise or experience on a given matter.

By comparison, letters to the editor tend to be much shorter—as little as 100-250 words—and can be authored by anyone wishing to express concern about an issue. 

Op-Ed Templates

If you are interested in crafting an op-ed, you can use these templates to make the process easy. There are different options depending on your perspective (e.g., if you’re a provider, advocate or family member), so be sure to select the template that fits your voice.

Letter to the Editor Templates

If you prefer to write a letter to the editor rather than an op-ed, we also have three different options of templates to choose from. Whereas the different op-ed templates differ in the perspective from which they’re written, the letter to the editor templates differ in the focus of the message they advance. All three options can be found in the same document, linked below:

Tips for Writing Op-Eds & LTEs

If writing and placing an op-ed or letter to the editor feels overwhelming, or if you’ve simply never done it, the guides linked below offer tips and tricks to help you get started.

Additionally, ANCOR staff is happy to help support your efforts if you would like assistance determining how best to get your op-ed or letter to the editor placed. To request assistance, please email Sean Luechtefeld.