
Associate Membership is available to associates of ANCOR, consultants, corporations (e.g., law firms, suppliers, vendors, etc.), licensing/monitoring entities (those that are related to but not providing supports and services to people with disabilities) and public entities providing services to people with disabilities.

An Associate Member is entitled to all the same benefits enjoyed by Full Members except for the right to vote in ANCOR elections.

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Three ANCOR members posing for a picture during a reception at a recent ANCOR Annual Conference

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We offer six different types of Associate Membership, including:

If you are not yet an Associate Member and would like establish a new membership, you can see dues pricing below. Then, get started by clicking on the option that’s right for you in the list above.

Dues by Associate Member Type
Category Description 2025 Dues
Consultant Individuals who serve as consultants to the disabilities field $1,525
Corporate National/regional vendors, managed care organizations, suppliers and law firms $4,730
Emeritus Individuals 55 years of age and no longer actively engaged in the management of a provider agency or serving as an independent consultant in the disabilities field. Must have been an active member of ANCOR for at least 10 years. $50
International Non-governmental organizations that provide supports and services to people with disabilities or that advocate on behalf of people with disabilities $235
National, State & County Organizations National nonprofit disability organizations; accrediting/monitoring entities; or public agencies and state or county boards that do not provide direct services in the disabilities field $4,330
University or Other Educational Institution Two- and four-year degree-conferring institutions and other nonprofit organizations dedicated to deepening their stakeholders' educational background $790

ANCOR estimates that up to 10% of 2025 dues will be designated for “lobbying” activities. Under federal legislation, businesses may not take tax deductions for business expenses that pertain to lobbying. Therefore, for 2025, 90% of the above payment may qualify for tax deduction as a business expense. Please consult with your tax advisor.