Tool 4:
Tracking Results

One of the surest ways we can know whether this toolkit is making a difference is if we have reliable data from its users regarding how many people have seen and interacted with the messages contained within. Therefore, this section is all about helping you identify the metrics you can track to better inform our understanding of the reach of this toolkit.

While we realize you may not have access to a comprehensive set of data, we hope that you will share any information you can regarding how you’ve used these tools and what difference they have made. Below are some suggestions for how to use these tools; to share with us your insights about how you’ve leveraged the tools, please email

Questions to Consider
  • How have you accessed the tools contained within this toolkit? How have you shared these tools with your staff?
  • What challenges have you experienced regarding vaccine hesitancy in your organization? What strategies have you found helpful in overcoming these sources of hesitancy?
  • What do you know about the reach of the messages from this toolkit that you have shared within your own digital networks? How many people have seen these messages? What evidence do you have demonstrating the impact of these messages?
Metrics to Track


If you have downloaded any of the videos contained in Tool 2: Videos & PSAs within your own social networks:

  • How many total views on Facebook have the video(s) enjoyed?
  • How many total views on YouTube have the video(s) enjoyed?
  • How many 3-second views on YouTube have the video(s) enjoyed?
  • How many 10-second views on YouTube have the video(s) enjoyed?
  • What is the total number of minutes watched on YouTube for these videos?
  • How many ThruPlays (number of views at least 15 seconds in duration) on Facebook have the video(s) enjoyed?

Social Media

If you have shared content related to #ItsUpToMe on social media:

  • How many times has the #ItsUpToMe hashtag been shared?
  • How many engagements have posts sharing the content garnered?

Email Marketing

If you have sent an email to your subscribers about #ItsUpToMe or if you have included information about the campaign in your weekly or monthly newsletters:

  • How many email subscribers have received information about the campaign?
  • What is the average open rate for the emails sent to your subscribers with information about the campaign?
  • What is the average click rate for the emails sent to your subscribers with information about the campaign?

This project was made possible thanks to funding from the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD).

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