ANCOR & UCP Launch Case for Inclusion 2025

New report features policy recommendations for state and federal governments.
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Engaging with ANCOR

Maximize Your Engagement with ANCOR

As an ANCOR member, you can shape the future direction of the association by getting involved in leadership. All of our boards, committees and other bodies are filled and managed by ANCOR member volunteers. We encourage members to participate in ANCOR governance and programming.

Exclusive Member Emails

Any employee of an ANCOR member organization is eligible to receive these exclusive emails. To add a member of your staff to the member email list, please email [email protected].

Engaging with Member Emails

Weekly Update


ANCOR community news; agenda of meetings with federal lawmakers for the upcoming week; upcoming events and educational offerings; exclusive offers from our partners

Publication Schedule

Every Friday

Questions or Content Submissions?

Email Alli Strong-Martin

Capitol Correspondence


Summary of federal policy updates from the prior week; highlights ways to engage in advocacy to move the needle on priority issues

Publication Schedule

Every Tuesday

Questions or Content Submissions?

Email Noah Block

Stateside Report


Summary of state policy developments related to Medicaid, managed care, budget debates and more

Publication Schedule

Every Monday

Questions or Content Submissions?

Email Donna Martin

Industry Insights


Monthly newsletter breaking down the latest news and analysis on trendlines, business intelligence, industry innovations, and more

Publication Schedule

Typically the second Thursday of every month

Questions or Content Submissions?

Email Donna Martin



Monthly newsletter with thought-pieces from ANCOR staff, leadership, partners and allies; updates on association business, such as latest news from the ANCOR Board of Directors

Publication Schedule

Typically the end of every month

Questions or Content Submissions?

Email André Floyd

ANCOR Connected Community (ACC)

Any employee of an ANCOR member organization is eligible to participate in the ANCOR Connected Community (ACC), the association’s private, secure discussion forum. To get started, visit

Engaging on the ACC



Association-wide news, announcements, discussions and queries (note: by default, all ANCOR members are automatically added to the ANCOR Forum)

Publication Schedule

Varies—very active during busy times of the year; by default, members receive email notifications every time there is a new post in the ANCOR Forum. Preferences can be set to deliver real-time, daily or weekly digests.


Email Lauren Middleberg

Other ACC Communities: Events & Committees


Beyond the ANCOR Forum, you can join different discussion groups (“Communities”) organized by event or committee. You are automatically added to the relevant Communities for each conference/webinar for which you’ve registered. To join a committee-specific ACC Community, contact the relevant staff member.

Publication Schedule

Varies—very active during busy times of the year; by default, members receive email notifications every time there is a new post in the ANCOR Forum. Preferences can be set to deliver real-time, daily or weekly digests.


Email Lauren Middleberg

Members-Only Briefings

ANCOR is committed to keeping you in the know about what’s happening in Washington and around the nation. These two exclusive member benefits give you quick access to what you need to know.

Engaging in Member-Only Briefings

Friday Member Briefings


Summarizes federal activity that ANCOR staff are currently monitoring; during these calls, members have the opportunity to ask questions of ANCOR’s Government Relations staff in real time


Fridays, 12:30-1 pm ET


Email Lydia Dawson

ANCOR State Share


Annual webinar in which representatives from state associations and members of the Board of Representatives share the latest news and policy developments in their states


Annual during summer (typically June)


Email Donna Martin

Committee Service

Serving on committees and in leadership groups are great ways to give back to your association while networking with your peers and honing your leadership skills. Join one or more committees today!

Engaging in Committees & Volunteer Leadership Groups

Government Relations Committee


Establish, define and execute ANCOR’s policy and advocacy principles and priorities; host annual Policy Summit & Hill Day in the fall and annual Government Relations retreat in the winter; issue calls to action via ANCOR Amplifier and Action Alerts

Meeting Schedule

Second Thursday of each month at 11:30 am ET via Zoom

How to Join

Find the Government Relations Committee in the list of Communities (this will require you to be logged into the ACC). Then, click the mint-colored ‘Join’ button to the right of the community name.

ANCOR Disability Champions Political Action Committee


Raises funds, identifies and supports Congressional candidates who advance or defend I/DD and provider issues on the federal level.

How to Join

Give us permission to contact you about future PAC events by signing this form.


Visit or email Elise Aguilar

Grassroots Committee


Seeks to strengthen the voice of providers in federal policymaking by developing advocacy champions among ANCOR members

How to Join

Find the Grassroots Committee in the list of Communities (this will require you to be logged into the ACC). Then, click the mint-colored ‘Join’ button to the right of the community name.


Email Noah Block

Technology Community of Practice


Discussions about operational technology used by provider agencies to improve service delivery, as well as about assistive technology to improve the lives of people with I/DD.

How to Join

Find the Technology Community of Practice in the list of Communities (this will require you to be logged into the ACC). Then, click the mint-colored ‘Join’ button to the right of the community name.


Email Gabrielle Sedor

Housing Community of Practice


Advocates for the development and retention of affordable and supportive housing solutions in our communities, including support services where warranted.

How to Join

Find the Housing Community of Practice in the list of Communities (this will require you to be logged into the ACC). Then, click the mint-colored ‘Join’ button to the right of the community name.


Email Noah Block

ANCOR Global Council


Creating opportunities for ANCOR members to learn from I/DD service delivery systems beyond the 50 states, and to contribute to initiatives that enhance the lives of people with I/DD across the globe.

How to Join

Sign up on the ANCOR Global Council homepage.


Email Robyn Wolfe

Alternative Payment Models Work Group


Guides ANCOR’s work in identifying and assessing alternative payment models (APMs) for Medicaid-funded services for people with I/DD


Email Donna Martin

Communications Community of Practice


Generate feedback on the association’s communications strategy; glean ways to engage in communications campaigns; hone your communications skills through peer learning

How to Join

Find the Communications Community of Practice in the list of Communities (this will require you to be logged into the ACC). Then, click the mint-colored ‘Join’ button to the right of the community name.


Email Alli Strong-Martin

Professional & Organizational Development Committee


Refine the association’s educational offerings, including conferences and webinars

Meeting Schedule

Fourth Monday of every other month at 3 pm ET via conference call

How to Join

Email Sasha Sencer

ANCOR Board of Directors


Serve as ANCOR’s governing body with the authority and responsibility to conduct the business of ANCOR to include adoption of resolutions and policy statements representing ANCOR’s positions; manage ANCOR’s financial affairs; determine membership dues; engage CEO in managing ANCOR operations

Meeting Schedule

In-person each quarter (meetings are typically held in February, April or May adjacent to Annual Conference, July, and September or October adjacent to Policy Summit & Hill Day)

Get to Know the Board


Board of Representatives


Serve as a conduit for the exchange of information, ideas and concerns from representative states and ANCOR members

Meeting Schedule

Quarterly (two meetings are held in-person, two meetings are held via conference call)

How to Join

Representatives are elected by the membership or appointed by the Leadership Development Committee; vacancies are filled via call for nominations and subsequent election

Get to Know the Board of Representatives



Email Gabrielle Sedor

ANCOR Foundation Board of Trustees


Provide oversight and leadership to guide ANCOR Foundation initiatives in alignment with its vision and mission

Meeting Schedule

Every other month (three meetings are held in-person, three meetings are held via conference call)

How to Join

Vacancies are filled via call for nominations; nominations are reviewed by Foundation Directors and recommended to ANCOR’s Board of Directors, who confirm all appointments


Email Gabrielle Sedor