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Capitol Correspondence - 09.15.20

U.S. Access Board Holds Meeting on Programs to Advance Accessibility and Technology

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As announced by the U.S. Access Board:

Join the Access Board at its Next Virtual Meeting on September 16

All are welcome to attend the next bimonthly meeting of the U.S. Access Board, which will be open to the public and take place virtually on September 16 from 1:00 to 3:00 (ET). The agenda includes brief reports from Board committees and the Interim Executive Director and features presentations on the work of the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), the federal government’s primary disability research agency.

Representatives from NIDILRR will provide an overview of programs and grant projects on research to advance accessibility and technology for people with disabilities. Presenters include Dr. Phil Beatty and Dr. Sarah Ruiz of the NIDILRR Office of Research Sciences who will discuss NIDILRRs programs and research centers, including the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERCs) that conduct advanced engineering research and develop innovative technologies to advance accessibility and remove environmental barriers.

They will be joined by researchers from several RERCs. Dr. Jordana Maisel of the University at Buffalo will provide a briefing on the work of the RERC on Physical Access and Transportation and the RERC on Universal Design and the Built Environment. Dr. Janice C. Light of Pennsylvania State University will review research undertaken by the RERC on Augmentative and Alternative Communication.

You may attend the meeting through the platform or by phone (listen-only mode). For further information, contact Rose Marie Bunales at [email protected].

Meeting of the U.S. Access Board (Virtual)      Add to Calendar

September 16, 1:00 – 3:00 (ET)
Meeting Link:
Call-in Option: (669) 254-5252 or (646) 828-7666 ; meeting ID: 160 294 7733


• 1:00 Welcome
• Official Business (including Approval of Minutes, Committee Reports, and Interim Executive Director Reports)
• New Business
• NIDILRR Presentation: Program Overview, Funding Mechanisms, and Innovative Grantee Projects on Accessibility and Technology
   o Dr. Phil Beatty and Dr. Sarah Ruiz, NIDILRR Office of Research Sciences
   o Dr. Jordana Maisel, University at Buffalo, RERC on Physical Access and Transportation and RERC on
      Universal Design and the Built Environment
   o Dr. Janice C. Light, Pennsylvania State University, RERC on Augmentative and Alternative
• 3:00 Closing and Adjournment”