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Capitol Correspondence - 02.15.22

Congress Reaches Bipartisan Budget Agreement

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Congress has yet to pass an omnibus spending bill for Fiscal Year 2022. But last week, congressional leaders reached a bipartisan budget agreement, which was necessary to begin drafting a full omnibus spending package. Now that there is a topline number on which lawmakers agree, appropriators can begin to draft the 12 individual bills that will comprise the spending package.

The government is currently only funded through February 18, which is the date when the current continuing resolution (CR) expires. However, on February 8, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a CR that will continue to fund the government until March 11. The House bill—which passed with bipartisan support, including from 50 Republicans—must now be passed by the U.S. Senate. Although there are some Senators attempting to hold up the legislation, it is likely that the CR will pass before the February 18 deadline. Once that legislation is passed, Congress will have a few weeks to complete work on those 12 individual spending bills before the new CR’s March 11 deadline.