The State of America's Direct Support Workforce Crisis 2024

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Capitol Correspondence - 08.10.17

ANCOR Nominates Ms. Lori Sedlezky for DOL Apprenticeship Task Force

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The week of July 31, 2017, the Department of Labor sent out a call for nominations for members of various industries to serve on its Task Force for Apprenticeship Expansion, with an August 8 deadline for nominations. ANCOR is pleased to announce that it has nominated Ms. Lori Sedlezky, Director of Knowledge Management at SEEC. Ms. Sedlezky has an extensive experience seeking solutions in DSP workforce development and is highly qualified to represent the disability provider industry. ANCOR’s full nomination letter can be accessed here.

By way of background, in June, the Administration issued an executive order that would remove federal restrictions on and expand access to apprenticeships across all industries. Part of this order included the formation of an advisory task force to lay out a strategy to promote apprenticeships, to be led by the Department of Labor (DOL) and including up to 20 individuals from various industries. The Secretary of Labor will serve as chair, with the Secretaries of Education and Commerce to serve as Vice Chairs. The full executive order can be read here