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Connections - 08.31.20

3 Ways Digital Software Matters in the Age of Working Remotely

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By David Lindell, Technical Co-Founder & Chief Technology Architect, SETWorks

David Lindell, SETWorksWhen the COVID-19 pandemic began to take on full force in March, I/DD agencies alongside much of the world had to make rapid adjustments in order to continue supporting people. There were many growing pains as these adjustments were made, but as we continue to adapt, it is important to take a step back and look at three of the ways implementing cloud-based software is crucial in our new age of working from home.

If you haven’t taken the leap to going cloud-based, here are some points to think through as we continue to adapt to an ever-changing world.

1. Cloud-based systems allow for collaboration.

Using cloud-based systems for documentation, scheduling, time & attendance, billing, and information about the people supported has proven to smooth the transition. These systems allow anyone with access to sign in and see what the day’s activities are and manage the needs of the people supported within the same system, in turn allowing for better agency collaboration that is almost as good as talking in person. Evaluate for your agency and ask these questions: Is there a cloud-based way to do this? Is adapting to cloud-based going to help us better collaborate during these times and improve the delivery of our services?

2. Some software is nothing without the hardware to back it up.

While we can talk all day about how efficient it is to have cloud-based systems like SETWorks, which you can use on any device, implementing other helpful software can benefit from a hardware upgrade. For example, video calling software like Zoom can be great for connecting with the people you support, but if someone doesn’t have a webcam, it becomes less effective. In a time when we are spending less of our budgets on activities we can do in person, this is the perfect time to evaluate and see if cutting out that spending opens up the ability to upgrade software, as well as some hardware.

3. Adapting to “the now” future-proofs your systems.

While none of us wanted to have a pandemic disrupt our lives, it has pushed for cloud-based services in ways that prepares I/DD agencies for the future, as well as enabling them to manage services effectively in the present. Being able to collaborate with teams from wherever they are to better support people shows dedication and that we can still accomplish good work, despite all the bad. These innovations in software will only improve, and so will your ability to better serve the people you support. If you adapt your methods now, you will be even more prepared for the increasingly digital future.

David Lindell is one of the founders and partners at SETWorks, a cloud-based software created for I/DD agencies. He has spent the past 15 years working for global health care IT and human service IT companies in multiple countries and has been involved in implementing software systems at over 140 I/DD agencies. David enjoys saunas and jumping into ice cold water, as well as spending time hiking with his family.