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Capitol Correspondence - 12.04.17

CMS Updates Website with HCBS Statewide Transition Plans

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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have edited the content for the Statewide Transition Plans (STPs) for the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Rule. You can find the revised page here – the edits appear to be in order to accommodate new content and we believe there are now additional letters from CMS Baltimore to the states called Clarifications and/or Modifications required for Initial Approval (CMIAs) now posted.

As a recap of previous HCBS Rule news, compliance for the STPs was originally expected by 2019. Implementation of the STP compliance has been delayed by 3 years, until 2022, and CMS is currently working with most states on finalizing their STPs. While there were rumors that with the new administration the rule would be re-opened due to concerns about unintended consequences, CMS has since stated that it will instead focus on additional subregulatory guidance for states on how to implement the rule in a balanced manner. ANCOR continues to have an on-going conversation with CMS on the provider perspective during this time.