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Capitol Correspondence - 06.25.18

House Introduces Deficit-Reduction Plan to Reduce Federal Spending

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According to Politico Pro:

The House Budget Committee tonight endorsed a conservative fiscal plan that would fast-track $302 billion in mandatory spending cuts — its most ambitious proposal to date.

Republicans on the panel delivered a victory to first-term GOP budget chief Steve Womack of Arkansas that looked impossible just weeks ago. The vote was 21-13, with every Republican voting in favor.

The GOP budget marks the first step toward a filibuster-proof bill that could substantially overhaul safety net programs long targeted by fiscal hawks and set up a bid to repeal Obamacare. But the plan has received scant attention on Capitol Hill, given its extremely long odds in the Senate. [Emphasis added by ANCOR.]

Both chambers would need to pass an identical budget to unlock the special reconciliation powers that could separately allow a vote on repeal of the health care law.”

Congress has few days left on the voting calendar before elected officials return to their home states to campaign, and Senator McConnell has sought to focus the added work days in August on judicial appointments and appropriations (which are separate from budget proposals). This further reduces congressional bandwidth for this issue, for which the Senate already has little appetite.

Members interested in learning more about the proposal might be interested in this Washington Post article, which is also not optimistic about the proposal’s prospects but lays out its contents in greater detail. As such, ANCOR does not see the proposal as viable at this time, but will keep members informed if there is any need for action.