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Capitol Correspondence - 09.17.18

ANCOR Meets with Partners as Year 3 of Integrated Care Grant Begins

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Last week, ANCOR staff met with its eight additional partners on the Administration for Community Living (ACL) Business Acumen grant. This federal grant work, which began in 2016, is led by NASUAD and seven other partners including ANCOR and NASDDDS as key leads. The goal of the grant is to work with state partners, providers, and people with disabilities to prepare them with the tools they need to lead integrated care systems in their state, including managed care. In the third year of the grant, the goal of the organizations is to distribute the wealth of tools and resources it has developed to all stakeholders.

Year 3 is the final year of the grant but all parties are hopeful to see an extension of this important educational program. Please be sure to visit for more information and contact Kim Opsahl, ANCOR’s Director of State Partnerships and Special Projects at [email protected] if you have any questions.