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Capitol Correspondence - 10.01.18

President Signs Federal Budget Bill Keeping Government Open Through December 7, Disability Programs Benefit

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As shared by the Washington Post:

“President Trump on Friday signed a massive spending package into law that averts a government shutdown and increases next year’s funding for the military and health and education programs.

The measure requires lawmakers to revisit other contentious measures in just two months, including whether to devote billions of dollars toward the construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The new law avoids a partial government shutdown because it extends money for the Pentagon and health and education programs through Sept. 30, 2019, and a number of other programs through Dec. 7.”

The following programs of interest to the disability community received funding changes as part of this package:

  • The Administration on Community Living received a $25 million increase in FY 2019 funding compared to FY 2018 (see page 3 of the linked document).
  • The Family Caregiving Advisory Council, as authorized under the RAISE Family Caregivers Act, received $300,000 for implementation. Read more about ANCOR’s efforts on this legislation here, its passage into law here, and our subsequent follow up to the Administration regarding implementation here.
  • As mentioned in our lead story, the National Care Corps received an inaugural $5 million.
  • Department of Labor provides $94.3 million LESS than fiscal year 2018 enacted level.
  • The Department of Education received an increase in funding for fiscal year 2019. This includes increased funding of $87 million over the fiscal year 2018 enacted level, going to IDEA special education grants to states.
  • The Social Security Administration received a slight increase of $2 million in fiscal year 2019 to ensure those serve by the program receive efficient and timely assistance and service.

Politico Pro gave a breakdown of remaining components of the government whose funding will need to be renewed before December 7:

“Besides DHS, the bill extends current funding levels until Dec. 7 for the departments of Commerce, Justice, Agriculture, State, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation and Interior, as well as the EPA, science programs, foreign operations and agencies like the IRS.

Under the measure, new fiscal 2019 funding is laid out for the military, plus the departments of Labor, Education, and Health and Human Services. Trump already signed into law H.R. 5895 (115), fiscal 2019 funding for the departments of Energy and Veterans Affairs, as well as the Legislative Branch, military construction and water projects. All of those agencies now have 12 months of funding certainty.”

Members interested in following the appropriations process as it comes around the final bend may want to consult the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget’s Appropriations Watch: FY 2019 page.