The State of America's Direct Support Workforce Crisis 2024

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Capitol Correspondence - 06.17.19

House Plans Vote on $15 Minimum Wage Bill by August; Bill Would Phase-in Increase

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ANCOR is sharing this article by The Hill because it is relevant to the workforce which supports people with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD), and because the legislation discussed contains provisions concerning the 14(c) certificate program. ANCOR has been monitoring this legislation, the Raise the Wage Act, since the U.S. House of Representatives first introduced it – note that the bill likely faces a significantly more challenging road in the Republican-controlled Senate than it does in the Democratic-controlled House. Because providers of disability supports rely almost entirely on fixed, non-negotiable Medicaid funding rates, ANCOR has consistently raised with lawmakers that it is important for all federal policy-makers to coordinate changes to labor laws with Medicaid funding policy to ensure the stability of supports for people with disabilities  is not affected. If providers cannot, because of ceilings on their Medicaid rates, be competitive employers then the current workforce crisis affecting disability supports will be further accentuated and this will ultimately most affect the individuals supported.

As shared by The Hill:

“The House will vote on the first federal minimum wage increase in over a decade this July, The Hill has confirmed.

The legislation to be considered is the Raise the Wage Act backed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC). It would more than double the $7.25 minimum wage to $15 by 2024. The current minimum wage has been in place since July of 2009. [ANCOR note: this increase would occur over the course of 6 years.]


The Democratic caucus has been divided on whether to advance a $15 minimum wage bill or one that would provide for regional differences to create a tiered minimum wage.

As a result, the bill could divide some Democrats when it comes to the floor.

The legislation would boost wages in three steps, starting with an increase to $8.55 this year. It would also take steps to link the minimum wage after 2024 to typical worker’s wages, an attempt to ensure that the minimum doesn’t remain stagnant over long periods.”