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Capitol Correspondence - 06.24.19

House FDA Budget Bill to Include Cannabis and CBD Oil Provisions; Relevant to I/DD Supports Caught Between Fed / State Regulations

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ANCOR is sharing this item by Politico Pulse because whether and how to incorporate cannabis and cannabidiol (CBD) oil is becoming an issue providers of disability supports are having to increasing address as they navigate between different state and federal rules on the topic. This is particularly relevant to members in states that have legalized cannabis / CBD products despite federal opposition.

As shared by Politico Pulse:

“House approves cannabis provision on minibus. The House Wednesday night approved dozens of amendments on its second ‘minibus,’ H.R. 3055 (116), moving the package that includes FDA spending a step closer to full house vote. An amendment from Rep. Earl Blumenauer, which would prohibit DOJ from interfering with tribal cannabis programs, passed by voice vote.

The House is expected to take up a pack of FDA amendments, including one demanding clarity on the amount of cannabidiol that can be allowed in food and dietary supplements, this week.”