Capitol Correspondence - 04.30.18

HUD Issues Problematic Proposal to Alter Rent Subsidies

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According to The Washington Post:

“Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson proposed far-reaching changes to federal housing subsidies Wednesday, tripling rent for the poorest households and making it easier for housing authorities to impose work requirements.


The initiative unveiled by Carson Wednesday would raise the rent for tenants in subsidized housing to 35 percent of gross income (or 35 percent of their earnings working 15 hours a week at the federal minimum wage), up from the current standard of 30 percent of adjusted income. About half of the 4.7 million families receiving housing benefits would be affected, HUD officials said.

The cap on rent for the poorest families would rise to about $150 a month — three times higher than the existing $50 ceiling. About 712,000 households would see their monthly rents rise to $150, the officials said.


The proposal would also move to verify tenants’ household income every three years instead of annually, which Carson said would encourage residents to work more without immediately facing a rent increase.” Click here to read the Washington Post article.

As stated in the press release and legislative text offered by Secretary Carson, the elderly and people with disabilities are generally exempt from the proposed overhaul of the program. ANCOR will be paying close attention to this proposal in the coming months and reporting additional information as we learn it. ANCOR is sharing a coalition toolkit from one of our community partners as a resource on this issue.