The State of America's Direct Support Workforce Crisis 2024

New report sheds light on persistent problems facing community providers due to ongoing recruitment and retention challenges
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ANCOR News - 02.17.17

EEOC Holds Briefing on New Regulations for Employing People with Disabilities in Federal Government

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On February 14, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) held a briefing on a new rule that requires federal agencies to engage in affirmative action in employment for people with disabilities. The regulations require targeted recruitment programs to identify job candidates with disabilities. The regulations also require that agencies have written procedures in place for reasonable accommodations, disclosure of rights to applicants, and personal assistance services. The rule codifies what had been previously a more aspirational goal of having at least 12% of an agencies workforce being made up of people with disabilities, with two percent being people with targeted disabilities. 
At the briefing, EEOC commissioner Chai Feldblum emphasized that agencies should not focus solely on hiring, but also on retnetion and promotion of people with disabilities. She encouraged disability advocacy groups to work with agencies to develop targeted recruitment programs, and also to serve as an information resource for agencies that do not have experience employing people with disabilities. A fact sheet distributed at the briefing is attached below.