Protect People with Disabilities – Stop the Shock!

Headquarters of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration building

The Ask:

Contact the members of the House Appropriations Committee and urge them to remove Section 722 from the bill before the full committee vote on July 10th.

The Details:

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently proposed a rule to ban the use of electric stimulation devices (ESDs) for behavior modification. However, some House Representatives are pushing for a bill that would take away the FDA’s ability to finalize this ban.

For years, our providers and advocates from around the country have urged the FDA to ban ESDs due to their harmful and inhumane nature. Section 722 of the current bill would strip the FDA of its authority to ban these electric shock devices. This provision directly undermines efforts to protect individuals with disabilities from abusive practices.

The full House Appropriations Committee will vote on this bill on July 10th. As advocates for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), we must act now to ensure the FDA retains the authority to implement this crucial ban, protecting the health and safety of people with disabilities.

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