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Capitol Correspondence - 08.04.20

Resources for Future Planning: Ensuring the Welfare of Children with I/DD After Their Parents Are Gone

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As announced by The Arc of the United States:

“Thinking about a child’s future after their parent is gone is hard for most people. For the parents of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD), the topic can be so daunting that it can feel impossible to broach. The result? Families all over the country shelve this conversation as long as possible. But the COVID-19 pandemic has been a stark reminder that planning can’t wait.

Future planning is creating a guide for a person with I/DD to lead a good life as independently as possible. Planning for the future—after a parent or caregiver is no longer able to provide support—is important and possible for all families.

Do you know what a future plan looks like?

 The Arc’s Center for Future Planning offers free resources to help self-advocates, families, professionals, and others tackle all aspects of future planning, including housing, finances, employment, support services, and more.

As you start to think about what a plan might look like or how you can help others plan, we encourage you to explore the following resources:

When you’re ready to start building a plan, use our free tool, which will guide you through each step of the process.”