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Connections - 07.29.21

Comings & Goings: July 2021

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by Jerri McCandless, ANCOR

Comings & Goings is an ongoing feature of Connections in which we highlight exciting changes happening at ANCOR member agencies and state associations.

Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities, University of Colorado

 Emily Shea Tanis

DENVER, CO: Emily Shea Tanis, Ph.D., Co-Director for Policy and Advocacy is leaving the Institute as of August 1.  Shea has been on the team at the Institute since 2010   She is also on the faculty of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Shea is nationally recognized for her expertise in applied cognitive technology supports an advancing the rights of people with IDD in technology and information access. ANCOR has collaborated with the Institute and Shea for quite some time regarding technology and IDD. We will certainly miss her!


Nebraska Association of Community Providers (NACP)

 Alana Schriver

OMAHA, NE: Alana Schriver, was named as the new Executive Director and began her employment in late May. Prior to joining NACP, she served as Senior Manager of Community Initiatives at Refugee Empowerment Center and Refugee Specialist of Omaha Public Schools. In these roles, Schriver provided resettled refugees direct guidance navigating unfamiliar systems and partnered with DD service providers and other healthcare professionals through cultural competency training. Additionally, Schriver developed the first peer support program in Nebraska specifically for resettled refugee families with disabilities. 

She currently serves on the Douglas County Health Equity Board, on two nonprofit boards (Restoring Dignity and Cornerstone Nonprofit Healthcare), and as Secretary of the Omaha Refugee Task Force. Schriver is excited to put her skillset to work at NASP expanding membership ability to provide the highest quality services, supports, and fulfilling careers.

Have news about retirements, appointments, celebrations, mergers, acquisitions and more? Email items for Comings & Goings to Jerri McCandless at [email protected].