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Capitol Correspondence - 11.04.18

2 Nutrition Stories: ACL Nutrition Report, Special Olympics Survey

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As shared by the Administration for Community Living:

“The Administration for Community Living (ACL) conducted a three-part evaluation of its Title III-C Nutrition Services Program (NSP). The newest report, Client Outcome Study: Part II, is now available.

The client outcome study has been released in two parts. Client Outcome Study: Part I, released in 2017, describes nutrition services program (i.e., congregate meal and home-delivered meal) participants’ demographic and household characteristics, health status, mobility, eating behaviors, diet quality, food security, socialization, and other characteristics, as well as program participants’ experiences with and impressions of the program and their valuation of meals and supportive services received through the program. 

Client Outcome Study: Part II describes participants’ health and health care utilization and examines overall wellness measured using longer-term outcomes related to health and avoidance of institutionalization.

The three-part evaluation of the Nutrition Services Program also includes:

  1. Process Evaluation of Older Americans Act Title III-C Nutrition Services Program (PDF, 948KB) which provides information to support program planning by analyzing program structure, administration, staffing, coordination, and service delivery. In addition, it evaluates the interactions between the many levels and types of organizations that provide congregate meals, home-delivered meals, and collateral services under the OAA Nutrition Programs.
  2. Older Americans Act Nutrition Programs Evaluation: Meal Cost Analysis (PDF, 667KB) estimates the costs of program operations, the most important being the cost of the congregate and home-delivered meals provided using Title III funds, and examines cost variation within the program by cost component and program characteristics.”

On the topic of nutrition, ANCOR is sharing this survey on nutrition practices by the Special Olympics Inclusive Health Initiative – this is unrelated to the ACL reports. As explained by CEO Barbara Merrill in our Weekly Update newsletter, ANCOR is bringing attention to this Special Olympics effort because: “As we work to equip providers to prosper in the changing environment of integrated health and long term services and supports, we need to fully understand the range of nutrition practices, and how providers can be further supported to achieve improved health outcomes for people with I/DD.”