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Capitol Correspondence - 06.10.19

Congress Passes Pandemic Preparedness Bill (Covers Zika Virus)

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ANCOR is sharing this article by Politico Pulse because the Zika virus, which causes developmental disabilities if contracted in utero, is one of the pandemics covered by the legislation which is now on its way to be signed by the president. ANCOR has long been supportive of efforts to prevent Zika and support those born affected by the virus.

As shared by Politico Pulse:

“PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS NEARS FINISH LINE… and states are breathing a sigh of relief. On Tuesday, the House sent legislation to President Donald Trump reauthorizing HHS efforts to respond to disasters, emerging infectious diseases and chemical or biological threats, POLITICO’s Sarah Owermohle reports.

The chamber passed a version of the bill in January — and repeatedly last year. But lawmakers were waiting on the Senate, which approved of its long-awaited Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act, S. 1379 (116), in May after Republican infighting stalled it for months last year.

States will rejoice. Besides authorizing funds to encourage new antibiotics and countermeasures and stockpile critical medicines, PAHPA also authorizes a range of state and local disaster responses and hospital programs. Some authorities, like the ability to reassign federally paid employees to respond to emergencies, lapsed while the legislation stalled.”